Work Expo – Management 3.0

How do you visualize a purpose? How do we share a vision? How to tell your story? Often, organizations have a vision and a mission statement (for their organization, product, or team), but words don’t convey the message. What you should do is show, don’t tell!

Sharing a vision
Sharing a vision

Create an exposition of your work (in your team, your department, or even individually). When you can create an excellent exposition about your work, you have likely found and visualized your purpose (Management 3.0 Work Expo).

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Celebration grid – Management 3.0

“Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. If you objectively evaluate what you’re doing repeatedly and are not satisfied with the output, why would you keep repeating it? Humans are creatures of habit and routine. If you’d like to change your routine, you should focus on small and incremental changes. How does this work in groups of people? At home…, at work? We want to improve our behavior and practices, but the daily routine often prevents us.

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Personal maps – Management 3.0

Are you all professional at work? No chit-chat, no small talk, not sharing personal stuff? Well, you’re not the only one. In most projects and environments I’ve worked, there’s not much sharing of personal things, and I hear the most “coffee talk” about work-related topics. Then again, I asked about my colleague’s weekend and if anything special happened.

Frankly, do you know your colleagues, your teammates?

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Happiness door – Management 3.0

Imagine you’re having a meeting, a workshop, a retrospective, a training, … do you know how your attendees are feeling? How do they evaluate their experience?

The goal is to collect people’s feedback on a quantitative level (what’s your rating, your score?) as a qualitative level (how do you feel, what do you like, what could be improved? etc.).

Usually, this is done via “feedback forms,” which works well at the end of a more extended session or training. But applying this for any gathering is very interesting!

You can easily integrate ways to collect feedback in any meeting.

Management 3.0 proposes the feedback or “happiness” door.

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Kudo Cards – Management 3.0

A thank you is great, but showing appreciation to colleagues, friends, and family for something they’ve done for you is even more satisfying! In a professional context, showing gratitude is happening too little for different reasons: it’s uncommon (regarded as not done, not part of the culture, etc.). Although said and proven in research, showing gratitude is a tremendous intrinsic incentive: this is essential to keep your employees motivated! Organizations should be as aware of intrinsic motivators as extrinsic motivators.

How can we achieve this?

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